
English is a wide world language, considered by many as a prerequisite in modern life. Speaking English language opens countless cultural, academicals and professional doors.

Besides, when we learn more than one language, our brains become more flexible and quick, and it also helps us to feel more connected to other cultures around the world.

Researches point out that children`s early exposition to more than one language   benefits the development of communication, construction of knowledge, as well as facilitates the contact with cultural, social and economic diversity.  That way, linguistic and cognitive development happens simultaneously and one supports the other.

Step by Step conceives the Bilingual Education as the teaching through the languages, not the teaching of the languages separately.

Through immersion, our children learn a second language the same way they learn their native language. Because they experience daily meaningful situations in English, children build a strong and pleasant relation with this language.

Rua Diogo Móia, 1031
(91) 3241-1022

Rua Diogo Móia, 1031
(91) 3241-1022